Your Skin After Chemical Peels

Your Skin After Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a great way to refresh your skin, eliminate minor imperfections, and enhance your overall complexion. Depending on the type of peel you have, you’ll need to prepare for what happens to your skin in the days and weeks after your treatment.

At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, we offer several types of peels to address a range of skin issues, including sun damage, wrinkles, and acne scars.

Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD or our licensed medical aesthetician, Kayla Morrison, will  perform a comprehensive skin evaluation to determine if a chemical peel is a good fit for you. Dr. Bushore and Kayla also provide comprehensive after-care instructions to protect your skin and ensure you get the most out of your peel.

How different chemical peels work to improve skin health

A chemical peel involves the application of a chemical agent to remove layers of your skin and reveal the fresh, healthy skin below. We offer different types of peels to address your skin’s unique challenges.

There are three types of chemical peels, based on the depth of the wound created by the peel:

Superficial Peel

 A superficial chemical peel, also known as a lunchtime peel and is performed by Kayla,  is a skin treatment that uses a mild acid to exfoliate the outer layer of skin. The peel can help improve the appearance of:


Medium Peel

Medium peels remove the top and middle layers of your skin. The medium peel, also performed by Kayla,  is used to help treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. 

You might need to repeat the superficial and medium depth peel  multiple times to achieve or maintain the desired result.

Deep Peel

A Deep peel use the strongest chemicals to penetrate the lower layers of your skin to treat significant sun damage, scars, and precancerous growths.

We offer a Croton Oil deep peel, which is performed by Board-Certified Dermatologist and Owner of Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, David Bushore, M.D.. The Croton Oil peel is the most invasive type of peel and requires anesthesia and a longer recovery period than you would need for a superficial or medium peel.

What to expect after your peel

While everyone heals at their own pace, it’s important to have the right expectations for your healing journey following a peel.

After a superficial and medium peel, it’s normal to feel some tingling or burning sensations in your skin during the first few hours. Your skin also appears red and swelling is common in the hours and days after your treatment.

Three to four days in, your skin starts flaking and peeling off. Your complexion may also look darker than usual. About a week after your peel, these symptoms subside, and your skin starts to look healthier and feel smoother.

For a deep chemical peel, it can take about two weeks to recover, where you may return to your normal activities. However, your skin may remain red for up to three months

Immediately following your deep peel treatment, Dr Bushore will discuss the after care process and teach you how to care for your skin in order to obtain your best results. 

Chemical peel aftercare tips

One of the most important rules to follow after a chemical peel is to not touch the skin as it flakes and peels. Doing so increases your risk for infection, causes irritation, and can potentially lead to scarring.

Both, Board-certified dermatologist David. A. Bushore, MD and licensed medical aesthetician, Kayla Morrison, recommend skin care products you can use to gently remove dead skin without damaging healthy tissue. They can also suggest moisturizers that nourish your skin and prevent excessive flaking.

Other after-care tips to promote healing include:

It’s also important that you are patient with your healing process and give your skin the time it needs to heal. Following through with our after-care instructions ensures the best possible results from your chemical peel.

Call Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, today to schedule a chemical peel consultation or book an appointment online.


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