What to do About Brown Spots on Your Skin

What to do About Brown Spots on Your Skin

Spending too much time in the sun during the summer months can increase your risk of developing brown spots and other types of hyperpigmentation. If you’re unhappy with your skin’s appearance because of these spots, you can find nonsurgical solutions to treat them at Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics.

Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, can evaluate your skin to determine which treatment is right for you and can customize a treatment plan to improve the tone and texture of your skin using technologies like the Fraxel® Dual laser system.

Why you have brown spots

Brown spots are sometimes called age spots because they become more common with age. The spots are often flat and brown, but they can also appear gray or black.

These skin imperfections are also known as sunspots because their primary cause is exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. UV rays trigger the production of excess pigments (melanin) in the skin. For this reason, brown spots typically develop on areas of skin that receive the most sun exposure, such as your:


Anyone can develop brown spots, but you might have a higher risk of developing them if you have fair skin or spend time in the sun or tanning beds.

Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, can confirm any suspicious spots on your skin are not something more serious, such as skin cancer, during a skin evaluation. If you’re unhappy with your skin’s appearance because of multiple brown spots, he can determine if you’re a candidate for treatments with the Fraxel Dual laser.

How the Fraxel Dual laser treats brown spots

The Fraxel Dual laser uses fractional technology to create tiny columns of thermal injury to break up and lift off brown spots and improve the health of your skin. The fractionated aspect means that not all of the skin is treated at once which allows for less discomfort and faster healing, usually in less than 1 week. Dr. Bushore is able to choose the wavelengths of energy to help maximize results without damaging your skin. The dual aspect of this laser means that it can target both the superficial layers of your skin as well as the deeper layers to give you smoother skin that looks more youthful.

When the Fraxel Dual laser penetrates your skin, the energy triggers your natural healing processes. Your body then produces new collagen, an essential protein in healthy skin. New collagen will help improve the texture and tone of your skin, which, in turn, will help reduce the appearance of brown spots, tighten wrinkles and fine lines, and enhance the overall texture of your skin.

Benefits of the Fraxel Dual laser system

One of the biggest benefits of the Fraxel Dual laser system is that you can treat brown spots without an invasive procedure. Laser treatments are performed in a comfortable office setting, and you won’t need anesthesia or incisions.

The side effects of Fraxel Dual laser treatments are minimal. You might experience some skin flaking, redness, and dryness in the days after your treatment, but these issues should go away quickly. We can also recommend high-quality skincare products to rehydrate your skin, so it will look and feel healthy.

The Fraxel Dual laser system is effective and safe for all skin types, textures, and tones. Dr. Bushore can determine how many laser treatments you will need to get the best results and eliminate all unwanted brown spots and other types of hyperpigmentation.

To find out how the Fraxel Dual laser system can help you, book an appointment online or over the phone with Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics today.

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