Microneedling: The Hottest New Skin Care Treatment

If you’re seeking one of the latest, nonsurgical procedures to improve your skin’s appearance with little to no downtime, look no further than microneedling. At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, we offer FDA-approved microneedling. It’s the craze in Hollywood with celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt flocking to their dermatologists for this amazing skin rejuvenation treatment. Call us or go to our website to schedule an appointment to see if microneedling is for you. We’ll put you on the path to younger, smoother-looking skin.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling, also called collagen induction therapy, is a treatment that uses sterile, fine needles to create invisible, microscopic holes in the top layer of your skin, known as the epidermis. Microneedling triggers your skin’s natural healing ability as it reacts to the tiny punctures we make. Your skin’s healing reaction results in the release of growth factors which also causes an increase in the amount of collagen produced in your skin -- all part of the healing process.

The importance of collagen

Our bodies make less and less collagen as we age. With microneedling, we boost the amount of collagen made by your skin. The result? You’ll see a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, acne, dark spots, melasma, enlarged pores, stretch marks, and scars. Microneedling also acts to tighten your skin by improving its tone, and enhances your skin’s texture.

The microneedling process

At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, we use the Eclipse Micropen™ Elite when we perform microneedlng. Since our treatments are customized to your specific needs, sometimes Dr. Bushore recommends an additional step be used prior to your microneedling session, which involves applying a special serum first.

Serums are sometimes advised to help heighten the effects of your treatment and speed up your healing process. Depending on your skin’s condition, your age, and the area we’re treating, Dr. Bushore may suggest one or more serums.

Growth factor serum helps stimulate collagen production while hyaluronic acid helps attract water to the skin. Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, boosts collagen production, tightens the skin, and helps promote healing.

And in case you’re wondering, the blood used for PRP is your own. We draw blood from your arm, spin it in a centrifuge to separate out your platelets and growth factors, then use them in your skin treatment.

What can I expect during my microneedling treatment?

We perform microneedling right in our office. First, we clean the area of your skin that’s going to be treated. Then we apply a topical, local anesthetic to help numb your skin, and allow it to work for 45-60 minutes before your procedure. After we do the microneedling, we apply sterile saline to your skin. The actual microneedling procedure takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.  

What to expect after your treatment

With microneedling, there is little to no downtime. The area we treat will have some visible redness which can last two to four days. You’ll need to be sure to use sun protection for at least one week after your procedure to protect the treated area from sunburn. You may also be given a topical antibiotic ointment to use on the treated area daily for several days, as recommended by Dr. Bushore.

Who is not a candidate for microneedling?

Microneedling is approved by the FDA for all skin types. But be sure to provide Dr. Bushore and his team with your full medical history, as having some medical conditions may prohibit you from being a candidate for microneedling. For example, a history of keloid scarring and scleroderma may mean microneedling isn’t for you. There are other conditions that may change how microneedling affects your skin, so a full disclosure of your medical history is important so that your individual needs can be addressed.

Also, if you’ve had any other procedures performed on the area you want us to treat with microneedling, make sure you tell us. For best results, sometimes you may need to wait a bit before having another treatment on that same area.

If you want to explore microneedling as a way to refresh your look and improve your appearance, call us or go online at Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics to schedule an appointment.


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