I'm Embarrassed About My Thinning Hair

I'm Embarrassed About My Thinning Hair

If your hair is noticeably thinner and you’re afraid of what’s to come, it may be time to consider hair restoration with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, specializes in PRP hair restoration therapy, which can improve the thickness and strength of your hair. Instead of using medications or chemicals, which could damage your hair and health, PRP therapy uses your own blood to help your hair follicles heal from the inside out.

Why your hair is thinning

While it’s normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, something else may be going on if your hair is becoming increasingly and noticeably thin. Thinning hair typically happens over time, and the cause can relate to genetics, health issues, lifestyle factors, or a combination of these factors.

Common causes of thinning hair include:

Androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) is a genetic condition that develops when your hair follicles shrink. This shrinking causes the hairs that the follicles produce to become thinner, weaker, and ultimately more prone to falling out.

Having thinning hair doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll go bald, because baldness is usually a hereditary condition. However, if you’re unhappy with your hair’s appearance, you can start treatment now to restore your hair health and prevent additional thinning.

Nonsurgical treatment for thinning hair

Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics offers PRP therapy, a nonsurgical, minimally invasive treatment for thinning hair. Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, uses elements from your own blood to stimulate the hair follicles in your scalp.

Your blood contains a number of substances, including platelets. Platelets are powerful, because they contain growth factors, which help your body produce healthy cells to replace damaged cells.

By drawing some of your blood, harvesting the platelets, and injecting the resulting PRP serum into your scalp, this can help your follicles become healthier. And this, in turn, can help them produce stronger, thicker hairs. Injections of PRP can also speed up the rate of growth, so your hair can grow faster.

We offer on-site consultations to examine your hair and determine the underlying cause of thinning. We can treat androgenic alopecia and other conditions that affect your hair follicle health.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy may not be right for people who have thinning hair because they smoke, use blood thinners, or have underlying medical conditions.

What to expect during PRP hair restoration

First, board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, draws a sample of your blood and places it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge quickly spins the blood to separate the platelets from the other components in your blood.

Then, Dr. Bushore takes the resulting platelet serum and injects into specific areas of your scalp to trigger new hair growth. You’ll likely need three sessions of PRP injections spaced 4-6 weeks apart to achieve your desired results.

You won’t notice a dramatic change in your hair right away because it takes time for new cells to develop and for your follicles to produce hair. Over time, you should see your hair grow faster, and it should feel thicker than before your treatment.

We can also provide maintenance injections of PRP every 4-6 months to help you retain your results.

To find out if PRP hair restoration can help you, call 512-459-4869 or book an appointment online with Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics today.

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