Here's How to Prevent Toenail Fungus from Spreading to Your Partner

Toenail fungus is a contagious condition that can easily spread to others, especially those who share the same spaces as you.
At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, we offer high-quality medical care to treat active fungal infections to keep your skin and nails healthy.
Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, can also teach you self-care tips to prevent recurrent toenail infections.
Here, Dr. Bushore outlines a few strategies you can use to stop toenail fungus from spreading to your partner and loved ones.
How a fungal infection develops
A fungal infection in your toenails occurs when fungi like dermatophytes settle into the nail. Fungi can also get into the skin between your toes through small cuts and cause an infection known as athlete’s foot.
Your exposure to infection-causing fungi increases when you go barefoot in public bathrooms, swimming pools, and other damp places. You can also experience fungal nails from wearing socks and shoes dampened by sweat or rain.
Toenail fungus causes changes in the health and appearance of your nails. Your toenails can become thicker, crumbly, and misshapen. The infection can also cause nail discoloration and produce a foul-smelling odor.
People who have weak immune systems, diabetes, or skin conditions like psoriasis may be at a higher risk for fungal infections. Without treatment, severe fungal infections can permanently damage the toenails and allow the infection to spread to other areas of the body. Infections can also spread through your household.
Three ways to stop toenail fungus from spreading
After a proper diagnosis at Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, you should take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection to your loved ones.
Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore can provide prescription topicals or oral fungal medications to clear the infection. You need to be proactive about following his treatment plan, so the infection clears fully.
Until the infection is resolved, use these strategies to prevent it from spreading:
1. Keep your feet covered
It’s important to keep your feet covered, especially if you live with a partner or children. Since infections can spread from skin-to-skin contact, be sure to wear clean, dry socks that aren’t tight on your feet.
Showering barefoot can also increase another person’s risk of infection, so wear water-safe shoes and regularly clean your tub and floors.
2. Be diligent about personal hygiene
Touching your feet can cause a fungal infection to spread to your fingernails and can also contaminate any surfaces you touch. Whenever you need to touch your feet, be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap.
It’s also important to wash and dry your feet and the skin between your toes once or twice a day. Change out of sweaty socks or damp shoes as quickly as possible and launder items before wearing them.
3. Don’t share personal items
It’s common for couples to share things like towels, razors, and nail clippers. However, fungi can live on these items and cause an infection in anyone who uses them.
Until your infection is resolved, keep the items you use separate from your partner’s things. You should also clean anything that touches your feet with hot water and soap, alcohol, or a fungus-killing cleaner.
Call Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation of toenail fungus symptoms. You can also use the online booking feature to set up an appointment.
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