Everything You Need to Know About Cutera Excel V+ Laser

Everything You Need to Know About Cutera Excel V+ Laser

Nonsurgical laser treatments are a popular and effective solution for skin issues like scars, age spots, and rosacea. The state-of-the-art Cutera® excel® V+ laser can address all these issues and more with minimal downtime.

Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics offers personalized laser treatments using the Cutera excel V+ system to improve your skin’s health and appearance.

Board-certified dermatologist David. A. Bushore, MD, has extensive experience using laser technology to treat a variety of dermatologic conditions. Dr. Bushore can also use the advanced Cutera laser system to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

What to know about Cutera excel V+ laser

The Cutera excel V+ laser is a green laser that uses two wavelengths of light (532 nm KTP and 1064 nm Nd:YAG) to target brown spots and red and blue blood vessels.

Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore controls the depth of the laser throughout treatment to achieve the best results. The Cutera system has many adjustable settings, so it can treat a wide range of conditions on different skin types without damaging healthy tissues.

The excel V+ laser is effective at eliminating noticeable skin discolorations and superficial blood vessels. The laser technology can also improve your skin’s tone with results that can last for months or longer with a good skin care routine and the use of a high-quality sunscreen.

Conditions you can treat with Cutera excel V+ laser

Cutera excel V+ laser treatments can address a variety of medical and cosmetic skin issues, including:

The many benefits of Cutera excel V+ laser treatments

One of the biggest benefits of the Cutera excel V+ laser system is the speed at which we can treat skin issues. Most sessions take less than 30 minutes depending on the condition you’re treating. This means you can schedule a laser session on your lunch break, and you won’t have to take time off from work if you don’t mind being puffy-faced around coworkers.

An advantage of laser therapy over invasive cosmetic surgery is the comfort of treatment and the quick recovery process. The Cutera system includes a built-in sapphire system that cools your skin in between laser pulses and protects against damage.

Side effects from excel V+ sessions are minimal. But, there can be noticeable swelling that is mostly resolved in 3-4 days.

The results of a Cutera laser session are often noticeable right away. However, it can take a few treatments to see the full benefit. The good news is that your skin health continues to improve in the weeks and months after treatment as new collagen forms.

Call Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, today to schedule a skin evaluation and find out if Cutera excel V+ laser treatments are a treatment option for you. You can also use the online feature to book an appointment. 

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