5 Reasons Microneedling is So Beneficial For Your Skin

If you want to refresh and rejuvenate your skin but don’t want to deal with a long recovery time or surgery, microneedling may be just what you’re looking for.
At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, offers comprehensive microneedling treatments that can improve your skin’s texture and appearance. Microneedling can even address common skin flaws that may affect your self-confidence, such as acne scars and wrinkles.
Why skin loses its luster
As you get older, your body slows down its production of collagen, a protein that gives your skin it’s youthful appearance and supports volume in your cheeks and around your mouth.
Without the needed collagen, skin becomes less flexible and loosens over time, forming wrinkles and creases that can age you. A lack of collagen also makes skin dry and dull, which can add even more years to the appearance of your face.
How microneedling gives you back your looks
Microneedling is a procedure where the surface skin on your face receives multiple microscopic punctures. At Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics, our highly-skilled licensed medical aesthetician uses the FDA Approved SkinPen, which creates micro-injuries with several small, sterile needles.
With each puncture, your body reacts by triggering its own ability to heal. This involves the production of new collagen and elastin. As the new collagen and elastin are produced, your skin is rejuvenated. Within weeks of treatment, you’ll notice improvements in your skin’s texture and tone.
Areas, where you have lost volume, will begin to fill in and give you a youthful, fresh look.
5 benefits of microneedling for skin health
The benefits of microneedling are many, but there are five primary reasons why the treatment is so popular for reversing the signs of aging skin.
1. Minimal downtime
While microneedling may cause mild redness or swelling, these issues should resolve shortly after your treatment. There’s no need to limit your activities following your procedure.
You’ll receive your treatment in a comfortable office. To assure optimal comfort, a topical numbing gel is applied to the skin about 45 minutes prior to having the procedure. You can go back to work or your usual schedule without needing any time to recover.
2. Tackles multiple issues in one treatment
In just one microneedling treatment, you can address the overall tone and texture of your skin while also treating scars, wrinkles, and fine lines.
Based on your expectations and skin health, our licensed medical aesthetician can achieve your desired results using a microneedling plan customized just for you.
3. Low-risk procedure
Microneedling is safe and effective for a variety of skin types. The Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics team will prioritize your health throughout your treatment to minimize any risks of bleeding or bruising.
4. No medical follow-up
After your microneedling procedure, you don’t need to return to the office for any follow-up medical care.
Board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, will work closely with you to develop a skin care regimen to cleanse and moisturize your skin properly, but you won’t need further treatment to see the benefits of microneedling.
5. Long-lasting results
While it will take some time to see the full benefits of microneedling, your skin will continue to improve in the weeks after your treatment.
As microneedling addresses the root cause of wrinkles and fine lines, you can expect your results to last for a long time.
Additional microneedling treatments can help you maintain your youthful appearance and overall skin health.
Boosting your microneedling results
Adding a serum to your skin after a microneedling treatment can boost your results. We often recommend serums that contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in your skin responsible for hydration and firmness.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is another popular serum choice. This material is found in your own blood and contains growth factors that are vital for healing your skin from the inside out.
These serums are applied to your face and allowed to absorb into your skin through the microscopic punctures.
Additionally, sometimes we combine microneedling with a superficial chemical peel immediately after to increase the efficacy of the treatment with no additional downtime.
To find out how microneedling can enhance and improve your skin health, book an appointment online or over the phone with Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics today.
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